What are local area network services?
Various Businesses with remote locations and remote employees are familiar with WAN (Wide Area Network) which enable them to connect with each other over geographical barriers. Only a few of us know about LAN connection. LAN services are bit different from the commonly used WAN networks. A LAN or Local Area Network is a computer network used for covering a small area. LAN services are best for the offices, schools or colleges. It is a type of connectivity used to connect computers and workstations that rely on group resources of files, printers, applications, and devices. Advantages of LAN services- It has seen that LAN connections are restricted to a single building or single room. It has also seen that a single LAN connection is capable of covering the group of buildings. It signifies that the use of LAN connections depends on the user and can be increased or decrease but for small area. Also, a LAN connection can be easily connected to the radio waves and telephone lines to ot...